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Remove Html Tags In Appengine Python Env (equivalent To Ruby's Sanitize)

I am looking for a python module that will help me get rid of HTML tags but keep the text values. I tried BeautifulSoup before and I couldn't figure out how to do this simple task.

Solution 1:

>>> import BeautifulSoup
>>> html = '<b><a href="">foo</a></b><img src="" />'>>> bs = BeautifulSoup.BeautifulSoup(html)  
>>> bs.findAll(text=True)

This gives you a list of (Unicode) strings. If you want to turn it into a single string, use ''.join(thatlist).

Solution 2:

If you don't want to use separate libs then you can import standard django utils. For example:

from django.utils.html import strip_tags
html = '<b><ahref="">foo</a></b><imgsrc="'
stripped = strip_tags(html)
print stripped 
# you got: foo

Also its already included in Django templates, so you dont need anything else, just use filter, like this:

{{ unsafehtml|striptags }}

Btw, this is one of the fastest way.

Solution 3:

Using lxml:

htmlstring = '<b><ahref="">foo</a></b><imgsrc="" />'

from lxml.html import fromstring

mySearchTree = fromstring(htmlstring)

for item in mySearchTree.cssselect('a'):
    print item.text

Solution 4:

#!/usr/bin/pythonfrom xml.dom.minidom import parseString

    ret = ''for child in el.childNodes:
        if child.nodeType == 3:
            ret += child.nodeValue
            ret += getText(child)
    return ret

html = '<b>this is <a href="">a link </a> and some bold text  </b> followed by <img src="" /> an image'
dom = parseString('<root>' + html + '</root>')
print getText(dom.documentElement)


this is a link and some bold text followed by an image

Solution 5:

Late, but.

You can use Jinja2.Markup()

from jinja2 import Markup 

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