Need A Good Regex To Convert Urls To Links But Leave Existing Links Alone
Solution 1:
Jan Goyvaerts, creator of RegexBuddy, has written a response to Jeff Atwood's blog that addresses the issues Jeff had and provides a nice solution.
In order to ignore matches that occur right next to a " or >, you could add (?<![">])
to the start of the regex, so you get
This will match full addresses (http://...) and addresses that start with www. or ftp. - you're out of luck with addresses like
Solution 2:
This thread is old as the hills, but I came across it while working on my own problem: That is, convert any urls into links, but leave alone any that are already within anchor tags. After a while, this is what has popped out:
With the following input:
<p><p>thisis a normal sentence. let's hope it's ok.
<a href=""></a>
This is the output of a preg_replace:
this is a normal sentence. let's hope it's ok.
Just wanted to contribute back to save somebody some time.
Solution 3:
I made a slight modification to the Regex contained in the original answer:
which allows for more subdomains, and also runs a more full check on tags. To apply this to PHP's preg replace, you can use:
$convertedText = preg_replace( '@(?<![.*">])\b(?:(?:https?|ftp|file)://|[a-z]\.)[-A-Z0-9+&#/%=~_|$?!:,.]*[A-Z0-9+&#/%=~_|$]@i', '<a href="\0" target="_blank">\0</a>', $originalText );
Note, I removed @ from the regex, in order to use it as a delimiter for preg_replace. It's pretty rare that @ would be used in a URL anyway.
Obviously, you can modify the replacement text, and remove target="_blank", or add rel="nofollow" etc.
Hope that helps.
Solution 4:
To skip existing ones just use a look-behind - add (?<!href=")
to the beginning of your regular expression, so it would look something like this:
Obviously this isn't a complete solution for finding all types of URLs, but this should solve your problem of messing with existing ones.
Solution 5:
if (preg_match('/\b(?<!=")(https?|ftp|file):\/\/[-A-Z0-9+&@#\/%?=~_|!:,.;]*[A-Z0-9+&@#\/%=~_|](?!.*".*>)(?!.*<\/a>)/i', $subject)) {
# Successful match
} else {
# Match attempt failed
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