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How To Make A Vertical Input Field?

This is what I want. A vertical input field, the 'x' is the close button: This is what I have so far: I know how to make a regular, bare-boned html input field: EDIT: I want to

Solution 1:

What you're looking for is transform: rotate().This takes a value in degrees, so you can rotate either to the left or to the right. rotate(90deg) goes from top to bottom, rotate(-90deg) goes from bottom to top.

You'll also probably want to make use of transform-origin to choose where the rotation gets based from, in order for the rotated text to align at the correct position.

Here's a minimal example:

input[type="text"] {
  transform: rotate(-90deg);
  transform-origin: left 0;
  position: absolute;
  bottom: 0;
<inputtype='text'placeholder='enter name'>

And here's a (rough) working example. Maximise the snippet to see it positioned correctly. You may need to adapt the positioning based on your page layout.

input[type="text"] {
  position: absolute;
  bottom: -150%;
  left: 25%;
  transform: rotate(-90deg);
  transform-origin: left 0;

form {
  position: relative;

* {
  margin: 0;
  padding: 0;

body {
  height: 100%;
  width: 100%;

.sidenav {
  height: 100%;
  width: 20%;
  background: #111;
  overflow-x: hidden;
  box-sizing: border-box;
  padding: calc((20% - 50px)/2);

.sidenava {
  position: relative;
  bottom: 18px;
  font-size: 90px;
  color: #818181;
<divclass='sidenav'><form><inputtype='text'placeholder='enter name '><a>&times</a></form></div>

Hope this helps! :)

Solution 2:

you may take a look at writing-mode.

The writing-mode CSS property defines whether lines of text are laid out horizontally or vertically and the direction in which blocks progress.

About MSIE

.sideway {
  writing-mode: vertical-rl;
  writing-mode: sideways-lr;/* FF*/background: gray;
  padding: 0.25em;

form {
  border: solid gray
<form><spanclass="sideway"><inputtype=textplaceholder='enter name'size=8/><inputtype='submit'id='X'/></span></form>

<edit>Chrome does not apply writing-mode on form element (bug?)

Work around possible: demo

.sideway {
  font-size: 3em;
  margin: 01em00;
  white-space: nowrap;
  background: #333;
  padding: 0.25em0;
  float: left;
  width: 2em;
.sidewayspan {
  vertical-align: top;
  display: inline-block;
  transform: translatey(100%) rotate(270deg);
  transform-origin: 00;
.sidewayspan:before {
  content: '';
  padding-top: 100%;
  float: left;
input {
  font-size: 1em;
  color: gray;
  background: none;
  border: none;
  line-height: 0.8em;
  vertical-align: middle;
  outline: none;
[type="submit"] {
  font-size: 2em;
  vertical-align: middle;
form {
  overflow: hidden;
  border: solid #3330.5em;
p {
  overflow: hidden;
  margin: 1em;
<form><pclass="sideway"><span><inputtype=textplaceholder='enter name'size=8/><inputtype='submit'id='submit'value='&times'/></span></p><p>whatever else comes in your form</p></form>

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