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Changing The Color Of A Cell In A Html Table When I Hover Over It

I have looked through all the answers posted but I cant seem to get this code to work correctly. I am trying to get the individual cell to change color when I hover over it, but I

Solution 1:


td:hover {
  background-color: #ff0000;
  color: #000000;

Or you can use JavaScript/jQuery:

$(document).ready(function() {
    function() {
      $(this).css('background-color', '#ff0000');
      $(this).css('color', '#000000');
    function() {
      $(this).css('background-color', 'none');
      $(this).css('color', 'black'); // or whatever your original color was

Solution 2:

Wrap the cell data with a div (class="cell_hvr") and a link around the content.

.cell_hvr {
    padding: 2px;
    width: 100%;
    height: 100%;
.cell_hvr a {
    display: block;
    text-decoration: none;
.cell_hvr a:hover {
    background-color: red;

<divclass="cell_hvr"><ahref="#"target="_blank"> (Your content) </a></div>

Solution 3:

You can do this by giving each cell a class


and then styling it

<style>td.a { background-color:#ff0000; }
  td.a:hover { background-color:#000000; }

Solution 4:

CSS: td:hover, th:hover { background:#ff0000; color:#000; }

Solution 5:

I was looking for the JavaScript version of the answer to this question. But, I am not using JQuery..

I have oCell = newRow.insertCell(); = tintTest(myCounts[i]);

myCounts is just an array holding an Int..

but now i just wanted to add the hover background color to my current oCell before smashing it in line and moving on with the loop...... So I found the code below as the only checked answer in a stream of 'can't be done'.. just not sure if this would even help me.

var css = 'table td:hover{ background-color: #00ff00 }';
var style = document.createElement('style');

if (style.styleSheet) {
    style.styleSheet.cssText = css;
} else {


EDIT!!! I just found out my issue (I hope the code snip helps with yours still) I tried to add the hover in CSS and it just isn't supported at all.

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