How To Sort The Table To Order By Points At End Of Column Using Javascript
I am trying to sort the table using javascript to order by total points at the end. The table is a dynamic one so W1, W2, W3 columns adds up to total. Is there way to order rows th
Solution 1:
can you gather the cells into object and sort them like this.
const sortTotal = () => {
const tbl = [...document.getElementsByClassName("fl-table")][0];
const tbody = [...tbl.tBodies][0];
const oObjects = [];
[...tbody.rows].forEach(row => {
const cells = [...row.cells];
const obj = [...row.cells].map(cell => {
return cell.innerHTML;
oObjects.sort((a, b) => a[a.length -2] > b[b.length -2] ? 1 : -1);
[...tbody.rows].forEach((row, i) => {
[...row.cells].forEach((cell, j) => {
cell.innerHTML = oObjects[i][j];
Solution 2:
push tr rows into array or object and sort by your custom sort function:
you are using jquery so life is good :)
function SortByTotal(tr1, tr2){//descending sorting
var total1 = parseInt(tr1.find('td:last-child').text());
var total2 = parseInt(tr2.find('td:last-child').text());
return ((total1 > total2) ? -1 : ((total1 < total2) ? 1 : 0));
var trs=new Array();
$('#mytable tbody').first().children('tr').each(function(){
$('#mytable tbody').first().empty();
var i=0;
for (i = 0; i < trs.length; i++) {
$('#mytable tbody').first().append(trs[i]);
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