Making Div Width Equal To The Longest Word/sentence Length Inside It
Solution 1:
New Edit from OP's comments :
The only way I can see to resolve this is using javascript,
I made a uggly and probably overkilling snippet which does the work :
It creates a clone of the node, set it as inline
with white-space: nowrap
and then add each word one at a time, compare the clone width with parent's width. If it's larger, then it assigns display: table-caption
to the orginal div, else it adds the next word.
div {
display: inline-block;
.caption {
display : table-caption;
.cloned {
visibility : hidden;
white-space : nowrap;
var clone, el,w;
function cloneIt(){
el = document.getElementById('3');
clone = el.cloneNode(true);
clone.className = "cloned";
w = clone.innerHTML.split(' ');
window.onresize = wrapIt;
function wrapIt(){
clone.innerHTML = w[0]; //minimum content is first word
for(i=1; i<w.length; i++){
clone.innerHTML += w[i]+' ';//add next word
if(i==w.length-1 && clone.offsetWidth <= el.parentNode.offsetWidth){
//we're at the end and it's still smaller than parent width? = clone.offsetWidth+ 1 + 'px';
if(clone.offsetWidth <= el.parentNode.offsetWidth){
//add a new word
//Gone too far? remove last word
clone.innerHTML = clone.innerHTML.replace(w[i], ''); = clone.offsetWidth+ 1 + 'px';
Solution 2:
You must set a width for your div, or you can put your text inside a <p></p>
tag and set the width for your paragraph on CSS.
#3 {
width: 300px;
or, if you want something more semantic:
#3 p {
width: 300px;
Solution 3:
It is actually impossible to create linebreak without wraping the elements around something like a span or a div for example. So make the html like this:
<div id="1">I_want_to_make_div_width_equal_to_this_word</div>
<div id="2">I_want_to_make_div_width_equal_to_this_word
<div id="3">
And the CSS like this:
div span{
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